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Porvoo campus library: borrowing and returning materials Mon-Fri 11-15, when staff is available. Self-issuing machine is broken.


How to renew

Renewing loans

Login to your account

  1. Click Login in the top banner
  2. Login by Haka login (using your Haaga-Helia user ID and password) or library card information
  3. After login click your name and Your Account in the top banner

In Checked Out Items page choose and renew the loans your wish to renew

  1. Tick the box(es) in front of the loan(s)
  2. Click Renew Selected Items
  3. Make sure that your loans will get a new duedate and text Renewal Successful appears

Staff members and automated renewing

  1. Staff members of Haaga-Helia, Laurea and Metropolia have an automated renewing service.
  2. Loans are renewed automatically 3 days before the due date when it's possible.
  3. Renewing is not conducted if there is a reservation for the book, fine limit (15 €) has been reached or renewal limit has been reached (15 times per loan)
  4. Staff members can not renew their loans by themselves in HH Finna.

Renewal fails

  1. If there is a reservation for the book
  2. If you have renewed the book 15 times already
  3. If there are payments 15 € or more in your account
  4. If your overdue loans have been invoiced
  5. Note Cannot renew yet in your loan list means that renewal is denied because it would not effect the due date. This prevents you from wasting renewal times if you for instance try to renew the same loan several times in same day.
  6. If you belong to Haaga-Helia, Laurea or Metropolia staff, you can't renew loans by yourself. Read more about automated renewing service for staff members.

If you fail to renew, please return the book to the library before the next duedate. If you have any questions, contact your campus library via chat, by phone or by email.